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Working from Home with ADHD

Working from home can either be a dream come true or your very worst nightmare. For many with ADHD, it’s the latter. There’s a plethora of distractions from your heaping Read More

Adult ADHD Self-Screener

Adults living with ADHD often don’t recognize it due to the fact that its symptoms are often mistaken for a stressful life. The World Health Organization created a self screening test to Read More

Forgive, But Don't Forget!

TOPIC: FORGETFULNESS AND ADHD  Do you feel like you spend half of your life searching for your phone and/or keys? Do you dread the frantic mornings consisting of rushing around trying Read More

Impulse Spending and ADHD

mpulsivity is one of the main symptoms for those with ADHD. Are you guilty of impulse spending whenever you are either stressed, sad, happy or overly focused on one thing? Read More

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