ADHD Evaluations: What To Expect

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When you are trying to figure out whether you or your child is struggling with ADD/ADHD, an evaluation can help you uncover what is going on with your symptoms. At ADD/ADHD Diagnostic & Treatment Center in Plano, TX, Dr. John Chuang, and Dr. Sandip Patankar can help you go through an evaluation to determine if you have ADD/ADHD, and come up with a treatment plan to help ease your symptoms. It is important to have an ADD/ADHD evaluation done to figure out what is going on, and to get you the right treatment to help you succeed.

Preparing for an ADHD Evaluation

If you have medical records or previous testing done, bring these records with you to your evaluation. You may have a questionnaire to fill out prior to your visit. If the evaluation is for a child, there may be a teacher questionnaire to fill out. You will discuss any symptoms that are occurring, any treatment you have tried, and how intrusive your symptoms are in your daily life. Take time before your evaluation, and write down any concerns you have that led you to getting tested. If you have any school records, it can help to bring these to your initial evaluation to be assessed.

What to Expect During an ADHD Evaluation

ADD/ADHD evaluations are a combination of interviewing, answering questions, and testing to get a clear picture of what is going on. The goal is to figure out what your specific symptoms are, and how they impact your ability to manage tasks in your life. It can take time to get to an answer regarding whether you have ADHD or not, as other conditions can cause similar symptoms. Testing is done to see if there are other factors at play, such as a learning disability. You will be asked about any family history of ADHD/ADD, learning disabilities, and other potential diagnoses. The evaluator will work closely with you to come up with a treatment plan to best treat the symptoms you are experiencing.

Contact Us Today for an ADD/ADHD Evaluation in Plano, TX

Whether you are an adult questioning if you have ADD/ADHD, or you are concerned about one of your children, it's time to get the answers you deserve. Contact the ADD/ADHD Diagnostic & Treatment Center in Plano, TX at (972) 943-0410 and set up an evaluation with Dr. Chuang or Dr. Patankar today.