What Is an ADHD Diagnostic Treatment Center?

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How your ADHD specialists in Plano, TX, can help with ADHD

Did you know that there is a unique facility dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of ADD/ADHD in children? It’s called the ADHD Diagnostic Treatment Center, and the doctors and staff can help you and your child.

Dr. John Chuang and Dr. Sandip Patankar at ADD ADHD Diagnostic Treatment Center in Plano, TX, offer a wide range of services and treatments for ADD and ADHD.

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be difficult to recognize because so many of the signs and symptoms can mimic normal childhood behavior. Fortunately, your ADHD specialist knows the difference.

First, let’s look at a few of the signs and symptoms to look for in your child. Your child may have ADD or ADHD if your child has:

  • Problems remaining still for long periods
  • Issues with frequently squirming or fidgeting
  • Difficulty getting or staying organized
  • Issues with forgetting or losing things
  • Difficulty listening or following directions
  • Issues with paying attention to details

Next, let’s look at what can happen if ADHD goes undiagnosed. Your child may have:

  • Learning difficulties resulting in poor grades
  • Destructive behaviors, defiance, and aggression
  • Difficulty forming and keeping friendships
  • Severe mood swings, anxiety, and depression
  • Sleep disorders and insomnia

At ADD ADHD Diagnostic Treatment Center, your child will be given a comprehensive evaluation by your specialist to determine whether your child has ADD, ADHD, or another condition. After diagnosis, if your child does have ADD or ADHD, treatment can begin.

A combination of therapies may be recommended, including:

Medication therapy, with medications that increase brain function, enhance the ability to focus, and increase self-control; medications include Adderall and Ritalin.

Behavioral therapy, with both child and parent, learning tools and techniques to reduce harmful and inappropriate behaviors.

Lifestyle modification may include dietary changes and increasing activity levels.

To learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of ADD/ADHD and how your ADD/ADHD specialist can help, talk with the experts. Call Dr. John Chuang and Dr. Sandip Patankar at ADD ADHD Diagnostic Treatment Center in Plano, TX. You can reach them in the office by calling (972) 943-0410, so call now.