Understanding ADHD

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ADHD is something you’ve probably heard about but might not actually know what it means. When you think of ADHD, you might just think of hyperactivity, but it’s actually so much more than that. ADHD can affect your child in many ways and it’s important to understand how it may manifest in your child and how it can be managed. Dr. John Chuang and Dr. Sandip Patankar are your ADHD specialists at ADD/ADHD Diagnostic & Treatment Center in Plano, TX, and they can explain everything you might need to know about ADHD and your child. 

Understanding ADHD 

ADHD is a condition that can affect your child in various ways. It can affect how they function and how they play. ADHD can cause hyperactivity and impulsiveness and it can make it hard for your child to sit still throughout the day. You might notice that your child needs constant stimulus and that it’s difficult for them to finish tasks and that they make careless mistakes. ADHD can affect their attention to detail and can cause them to become distracted when they’re listening to instructions or doing tasks. 

There is no known cause for ADHD, and it cannot be cured, but it can be managed. There are many methods that your ADHD specialist in Plano, TX, can recommend to help you manage your child’s ADHD. Each child is different and needs a treatment plan that is customized to their specific needs.  

An important step you can take is creating a routine that your child can follow each day. This helps them finish tasks and understand what they should be doing so that they aren’t distracted as easily. Behavioral therapy can also benefit you and your child in many situations. In some cases, a child may need medication to help manage their behavior. 

Contact Our ADHD Specialist Today 

Find out how you can understand the issues that come along with ADHD. Contact Dr. John Chuang and Dr. Sandip Patankar, your ADHD specialists at ADD/ADHD Diagnostic & Treatment Center in Plano, TX, to learn more about ADHD and what it may mean for your child. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (972) 943-0410.